Health Certificate for Galley

Health Certificate for Galley (Food and Beverage F n' B)




All those working on board and coming into contact with food, whether or not packaged, must have an appropriate health certificate attesting that the worker, in this case the seaman, does not suffer from an infectious or contagious disease that endangers the public health.


This health certificate is issued after a clinical examination and paraclinical examinations (chest X-rays, stool cultivation for salmonella and parasites) and is valid for up to five (5) years.


It is given to food handlers who, according to the Codex Alimentarius, are the person who directly handles packaged or unpacked food, equipment and tools for foods or surfaces that come in contact with food and must therefore comply with hygiene requirements.


However, symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, coughing, skin rashes, wounds, etc. may occur during its validity. The seafarer should be immediately removed from work until treated and his health is restored.


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